Have you gone on line and read about the “First Gerson Clinic in Mexico”? Usually it’s associated with different facilities incorrectly stating they were the first. The true first clinic was called La Gloria which its literal translation is The Glory. It opened around 1977 and was far away from downtown Tijuana. It wasn’t in a fancy community at all. The clinic at the time was in what used to be a motel. The grounds were extremely spacious. The facility was two stories, had a pool and a separate dining area. The rooms were Spartan. There were no frills at all. Two beds, a night stand with reading lamp and that was it.
La Gloria needed medical doctors and at the time Charlotte Gerson was extremely involved in the day to day operations of it. You would see her there often and this is where she trained our medical director Dr. Alicia Melendez. Dr. Melendez was a recent widow and not familiar with Gerson Therapy.
Charlotte trained Dr. Melendez and this is where a long-lasting friendship and mutual respect was founded. This idea of this post came to be when Dr. Pedro Cervantes showed us an issue of the Gerson Institute’s newsletter from 1982.
Many things around us have changed since then. La Gloria is no longer in operation and we are grateful for our facility. We are grateful for the relationship our doctors had with Charlotte. We are grateful for the relationship that Dr. Melendez started with the Gerson Institute years ago. But most importantly we are grateful for your support. Remember that no matter what happens around you that you must keep going strong. Take one day at a time and keep on juicing!
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