I’m glad you’re reading this post. You’ve been reading what Gerson Therapy is right? You’ve probably leafed through a book or two. You’ve talked to a family member or friend. You’ve joined Kathleen Blake’s Gerson Therapy Support Group on Facebook. You might have joined one of Healing Strong’s support groups in your community. You possibly watched some videos through YouTube and you are ready to take the plunge. Some of you want to do the therapy for detox and prevention. Some see the therapy as a great way to start a healthy lifestyle. Some of you might have high cholesterol and some of you have a disease that is scaring you and your loved ones a bit.

Whatever reason you started this search, know that you are in the right place. Our medical director, Dr. Alicia Melendez, firmly believes that the priority in our care is always the patient. Sounds like a novel idea right? Because of this we make sure that each person is treated as an individual and the protocol given to them is specifically and only for them. There are no cookie cutter programs.

The question is why come to Health Institute de Tijuana (HIT) and not to other facilities. Simply put, we have the most experience in Gerson Therapy than any other clinic or hospital. Our medical director, Dr. Melendez , was trained in the therapy by Charlotte Gerson herself. Dr. Melendez has been immersed in this way of life since 1978. She is living proof that the therapy works as she continues to work well into her 81st year. Our head physician, Dr. Pedro Cervantes, is the doctor that we should all have. In this day and age, you are lucky if your doctor spends ten minutes with you. Dr. Cervantes will spend as long as it takes to make sure you understand the therapy, the protocol and how this will translate in your healing journey. Dr. Vanessa Alvarez has been with HIT for a few years and is a great addition to the HIT family. Her empathy and care is palpable. Her strong sense of faith brings peace to those she helps.

We offer excellent care. Our medical service is like no other. We will be supportive in your journey of health, prevention and healing. The next step is yours. We are here to help. Contact us at info@hitijuana.com for further information.